What is a French Immersion Program?
A French Immersion Program is designed for children who do not speak French at home as their first language. Canada is a bilingual country, which means it has two official languages: English and French. A bilingual program helps young children to learn French at an early age in a safe and fun environment and participate in rich French cultural learning experiences.
Does my child have to speak English or French?
No, our mission is to provide children with fun and age-appropriate experiences regardless of the language they speak at home or outside. Most of our parents and children do not speak French. Our children come from diverse backgrounds and speak a language other English or French at home and with their parents/guardians.
Do you have a French curriculum and do you speak French all day?
We teach French through songs, music and fun games and activities. We incorporate French into our program in fun and simple ways during our circle and language time. It is easier for children to learn French while they are still young because their brains are more open to learning new skills.
How do I register my child?
Please give us a call at 604-788-0901 to set up an appointment for a tour of the facility and more information on registration process and program.